ADAM & EVE V2.0 System Requirements: IBM Compatible Computer Color VGA Monitor 1 Floppy Drive 1 Hard Drive 640 K Conventional Memory 4 Meg Extended Memory Printer (Color Optional) MicroSoft Windows 3.1 or higher Mouse MicroSoft Word V6.0 (Optional ) Installation: Create a new directory on your hard drive. Copy the file "" into the new directory. Unzip the file "". Run Windows 3.1. Click on the File Manager icon to run the Windows File Manager. Display the directory where you unzipped "". Now, place the mouse pointer on the file "SETUP.EXE" and double click the left mouse button to run the setup program. Follow the on-screen prompts after the setup initialization. The setup program will install the Adam & Eve Pool League program for 6 Teams (3 couples per team). Getting Started! The Adam & Eve Pool League program can be divided into three main parts. (A) Match Scores - database for keeping track of the matches played. (B) Team Standings - database for keeping track of the Team Standings. (C) Printing - printer routines for printing Lists and Final Sheet. Screen names are located at the top of every screen. The names are white letters on a blue bar. The following directions will refer specifically to screen names. First, we will load the sample data files and access "Match Scores", then "Team Standings" and finally "Printing". 1. From Windows double click on the Adam & Eve 6 ball icon to load the program for Adam & Eve 6 teams. 2. When the opening screen titled "6 Players - 5 Games" appears type the number "1" and press the "Enter" key. 3. When the "OPEN" screen appears, the data file "week0.dat" should be visible in the Files List window. Click on the file "week0.dat". This should place the same file name in the File Name window. Now, click on the "OK" button. The Sample data files should now be loaded. 4. The "Match Scores" screen should now be visible. The sample records should also be visible. At this point you can experiment with the menu items and buttons etc. Press the "F1" button located next to the "Esc" key at the top left most part of the keyboard for help on the screen you are currently working on. To exit the Help file Click on "File" then "Exit". 5. From the "Match Scores" screen place your mouse pointer on the menu item "Team Standings" and press the left mouse button. The Team Standings screen should now be visible. This is the second of the three main parts of the Pool League program. It is similar to the "Match Scores" screen because both are databases. 6. To access the Printer Routines for the Adam & Eve program, place your mouse pointer on the menu item "Print" and press the left mouse button. A pop-up menu will appear which has several printing options. For more information press the "F1" key to access help for the current screen. Green colored text inside Help files is called Hyper Text. Your may place your mouse pointer on any Hyper Text and press the left mouse button to access information pertaining to that text. General Information The default directory is where your executable program file is located. Data files are loaded and saved to and from the default directory. If you wish to move the program to a different location all the data files must remain together with the program. All database records must be complete. If you are running 6 teams then you MUST have 18 records (one couple is one record) in your database with exactly 3 records (one couple is one record) per Sponsor. If you are missing a man on one of the teams then make a "dummy" record with the Sponsors name and some fictitious name such as "No Show" or "Not Present" for the Shooters Name. The reason for this limitation is that the "Adam & Eve Pool League" program calculates and sorts by lots of six people per team (3 couples). Updating each weeks records is done by using the "Edit" command from the "Match Scores" and "Team Standings" screens and with the "Calculator" in the green state or "ON" position. After all your records are complete, then to update "Match Scores" each week, all you have to do is to enter two items for Adam and two items for Eve: (1) Sit Outs (2) This Weeks Wins All the others fields are updated automatically, provided the "Calculator" is "ON" !! To update "Team Standings" each week all you have to do is enter three items: (1) Sit Outs (2) Total Match Wins or Total Match Losses (3) This Weeks Wins All the others fields are updated automatically, provided the "Calculator" is "ON". You must update both "Match Scores" and "Team Standings" before printing the final sheet. CAUTION! Only update ONCE a week with the "Calculator" in the "ON" position. If you make a mistake and update a record more than once then you'll either have to reload the original data file and start over or click you mouse on the "Calculator" button until it is "OFF" or in the red state, then you may change the data in any field manually. Because of the compactness of the Final Sheet, Sponsors Names and Shooters Names can not be over 14 letters long. Another thing to consider when entering the Shooters Name is whether to put the first name first or the last name first. I like using the first name first because it is more personal for someone to see there name as it should be rather than their last name first. This is up to you though. The program sorts by what is first, so if you do use the first name first, when you sort the "Shooters Names" they will be sorted by first names. GOOD LUCK and GOOD SHOOTING!! Jack Belvin 3840 Reflection Way Las Vegas, NV 89117 (702) 876-7527